About Kevin Du

I was born in Iowa City and grew up in Irvine, California with my mom, dad, and younger brother. Ever since I remember, I’ve been a fan of math. From creating math games to play with my friends on the cruise to deriving Euler’s identity on napkins while waiting at a restaurant, I was always able to find something interesting to do with math.

I distinctly remember a time in fourth grade when my parents were exploring new houses for sale. As they inspected every corner of the house, I naturally got bored and wandered off on my own. We were getting ready to leave when I spotted a half-sheet of paper on a table, on which were written the formula for the sums of squares and cubes of the first n positive integers. That sheet of paper changed my leisure time plans for the next few nights. I remember feeling extremely accomplished after deriving all those formulas up to the seventh degree. By the eleventh formula, I realized that all of this was online and people found these results centuries ago, so what I just learned through my own exploration connected me to mathematicians in the past. People change. Math doesn't.

Besides math, I also play saxophone as a hobby. I usually get together with a couple of friends and start jamming. It's fun being able to discover and compose new melodies, baselines, and arrangements as a band. Read more about me on this website.